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pubg mobile 2.2 update download APK +obb and more features

After a long time, a new update has been done for the PUBG mobile player, 2.2 updates are going to be quite special, in this, a lot of free rewards have been given to the player and the player will get to see a lot of new things in this update such as 3,000 BP, 100 AG. There are many things that the player can get for free.

Let’s take detail about this pubg mobile 2.2 update without any delay, and in this update, there are many new things for the player how can you download this update? You will get the answer in this article.

pubg mobile 2.2 update New features

Pubg Mobile has made a lot of changes in this update, in which you will get to see the best map and a new mode. Pubg Mobile already has a lot of maps for the player but in this update, the player has been given all the modes with a new map and will include structural updates in many areas along with a newly added weather system and cycle shed.

— PUBG MOBILE (@PUBGMOBILE) September 14, 2022

Pubg mobile announced the Nusa map on 14 September itself, the size of this map is 1 x 1 km. Many things have been added to the map like setting huts on fire, elevators, pool health, and a fast-moving zipline such Many features are given in this map which you can explore.

list of new features pubg mobile 2.2 update

  • Scan the area feature for enemies
  • Supply Scan Feature
  • Remote Shop
  • Trace
  • Lucky Backpack
  • Healing Smoke
  • Vehicle AirDrop
  • Gliding Doll

PUBG 2.2 update download apk +obb

It is quite easy to download PUBG 2.2 update, you will see the option to download this update on the google play store and you can download this update from the app store, this update has been officially released for android and iOS devices.

Latest APK Download Link– Download now

After downloading this file, you have to install it and open the game. You can install it in single click.

After opening the game, all the necessary resources of this game have to be downloaded and the game will run smoothly.

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