best games for 3ds 2022
The Nintendo 3DS, one of the most delightfully small machines to ever grace the games industry, is dead — or perhaps more accurate to say, it’s going to be released very slowly over the next year until it breathes its last in late March 2023. – Will be killed slowly.
At the time of writing, he is fighting for his life. In honor of its caution, we’ve decided to praise it early by collecting 20 3DS games every Nintendo fan needs to download before its ticker winds up void.
Best 3DS Games of All Time [2022 Final update]
Here we bring you our collection of top games for 3DS – or more accurately, your collection of top games for 3DS. As you probably read in the tagline above, the order here is for all you dear ones. The ranking of this large selection is governed by user ratings for each game on this site.
It will continually evolve to reflect your votes, and logged in users can interact and rate the titles on these pages directly by hovering over the rating.
1. Pushmo
Before including Pushmo, we checked Metacritic to see where it landed in terms of overall critical consensus for the highest-rated 3DS games of all time.
Our hunch was right: Coming in sixth, it’s got a higher average score than beloved games like Bravely Default, Pokémon X & Y, and even The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D, which… OK, that last one is definitely a little weird. Still, Pushmo is the kind of intricately designed puzzler that can only live on the 3DS—which is fun, because that’s where you can play it.
2. Monster Hunter Generations
To be honest, this entry is a bit cheeky that we’re going to use it to suggest you download both Monster Hunter Generations and Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. In general, Capcom’s beast-slaying series has always held up well on handheld devices, with the 3DS in particular boasting several iconic titles — speaking of which, Monster Hunter Stories is also worth a try.
While games like Monster Hunter World and Monster Hunter Rise have redefined playing monster hunters on the big screen, going back to the 3DS will reveal a different era of the series during which you can track your prey. Out of all the different variations that have appeared in this genre of game, the 3DS stands out with one of the widest types of games, as well as providing the best experience for each of them. Simply put: 3DS Monster HunterGood.
3. Bravely Default
Ten years later, Bravely Default has become an essential part of Square Enix history. Starting life as a sequel to Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light, the game gradually evolved into its own separate entity, Final Fantasy itself from the universeFinal Fantasywhile retaining many familiar elements from the way you play the game. took away.
Looking back now, it’s easy to see how important it was for Square Enix to deviate from Final Fantasy in 2012, taking a huge risk with an entirely new series. While Bravely Default 2 launched for the Nintendo Switch last year, the original game and Bravely Seconds are still locked down on the 3DS. If you want to play them – which you should – you have to get them pretty soon.
4. Noitu Love Devolution
Alright, time to get into the weeds again. Let me clarify first: This isn’t the only place you can buy and play Noitu Love: Devolution. It is also available, at least on computers. But it’s a really cool game to play on the 3DS, with hot action and absolutely jaw-dropping pixel art.
But then, what else would you expect from Joachim Sandberg, who also gave us the likes of Iconoclasts on the Nintendo Switch? It’s a real sleeper among 3DS owners I know.
5. Ikachan
You probably know the story of the cave. You must also know Kero Blaster. But do you know Ikachan? This short and sweet adventure is the work of Daisuke “Pixel” Amaya, and it appears immediately as soon as you start the game.
You play as a little squid trying to help his friends escape a terrible fate and find a new home. This 3DS version is a bit expanded on the PC original, so if you’re going to play Icachan this is the way to go. It’s a concise game, but worth picking up on for those who have enjoyed Pixel’s other titles.
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